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Hi, Prabhas:

I wonder if this data can be incorporated to a local or alternative
database that can be of use in this situation.

About the field papers, I don't see any problem to use this data as a
guide of finding those health facilities and correctly geolocate them
while surveying on the ground.

Using the GNS and other place nodes already in the database, it might
be possible to add some of this nodes to OSM. It might. But in any
case, the license is a restriction. A very sad one, but nothing to do
about it, unless the copyright holders let us upload the data to OSM
without that non-commercial restriction.



On 04/05/15 00:26, Prabhas Pokharel wrote:
> Thank you all; two main issues here: one that the dataset
> geolocations are problematic, and two that the license was
> incompatible. Apologies for incorrectly interpreting the license
> here in Nepal.
> As megha said, the reason we attempted this was because the maps
> that HOTOSM volunteers have helped create via tracing for us is
> amazingly detailed (in terms of residential areas, roads, pre-quake
> buildings), but hard to use because of the lack of POIs on the
> ground. This was an attempt to alleviate the problem, but sounds
> like we did misinterpret the license issue, and apologies for
> that.
> We simply did not know about the problematic geolocations. However,
> it is worth noting that this dataset is what a lot of organizations
> have been using locally, given that it is the best available
> dataset of health facility locations.
> Maybe the discussion we need to have soon is how we can improve 
> OSM-based tools (MapOSMatic, Fieldpapers, etc) to incorporate
> datasets like this that are very useful in scenarios like what we
> are going through, but are incompatible to put into OSM because of
> the license.
> cheers, Prabhas
> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
> <ravilac...@gmail.com <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi all:
> Megha (MeghaShrestha), the user that imported these data, has
> answered me through the OSM messaging. She works with the KLL and
> she tells me: "we are trying to create papers for the relief
> workers. The problem being there are enough details like roads,
> buildings, rivers but no POIs in many areas. It is difficult for
> the relief workers to locate themselves on the map. Importing the
> health facilities data was an attempt so that they can at least
> find some POIs they can look for while locating themselves on the
> map. The data I imported was from 
> https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/nepal-health-facilities-cod.
> The licence says we can use the data for non commercial purpose and
> we need to credit the source. I hope these information are helpful
> and you can help us out."
> With this info, I can see that the data is the one we were
> discussing a few days ago, although that data set contained almost
> 9,000 nodes, whereas the one of Megha had around 4,660.
> I recall the main problem: geolocation was very poor (most of nodes
> in well out of any settlements). The other problem I see is the
> license: it's for non-commercial use, and that makes it
> incompatible with the OSM license.
> I really feel to give a no in such circumstances as these, and
> that's why I ask for more input from other people with experience
> on this, just in case there is any possibility of including the
> data into OSM, and if not what other options we would have to make
> good use of these data set, if any.
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
>> When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes 
>> tagged as "Hospital" with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA
>> as source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is
>> nothing nearby. Like here: 
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=19/28.00839/84.62397 Looks 
>> like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because 
>> hospitals are important!
>> By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a 
>> "task" now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole 
>> project?
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