Hi Pierre is sleeping. I would normally ask him and activation. I will ask
a contact via UN OCHA (offlist) and report back to activation

What I need is:
1. Confirmation that the changeset link includes the full dataset (the link
below )
2. Exact source link for the dataset.

I will ask for a license update.

Does this sound ok?


The file is
On May 4, 2015 7:48 AM, "Prabhas Pokharel" <prabhas.pokha...@gmail.com>

> > A very sad one, but nothing to do
> > about it, unless the copyright holders let us upload the data to OSM
> > without that non-commercial restriction.
> HOT, we must have contacts at UN OCHA, can we start a conversation to ask
> if they are willing to do it? At the moment, we don't have the bandwidth
> here at KLL these days to have this conversation. But as I see it, adding
> POIs and named places onto the map is pretty important to focus on, in
> parallel with all of the imagery-based work that we are doing.
> cheers,
> Prabhas
> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi, Prabhas:
>> I wonder if this data can be incorporated to a local or alternative
>> database that can be of use in this situation.
>> About the field papers, I don't see any problem to use this data as a
>> guide of finding those health facilities and correctly geolocate them
>> while surveying on the ground.
>> Using the GNS and other place nodes already in the database, it might
>> be possible to add some of this nodes to OSM. It might. But in any
>> case, the license is a restriction. A very sad one, but nothing to do
>> about it, unless the copyright holders let us upload the data to OSM
>> without that non-commercial restriction.
>> Cheers,
>> Rafael.
>> On 04/05/15 00:26, Prabhas Pokharel wrote:
>> > Thank you all; two main issues here: one that the dataset
>> > geolocations are problematic, and two that the license was
>> > incompatible. Apologies for incorrectly interpreting the license
>> > here in Nepal.
>> >
>> > As megha said, the reason we attempted this was because the maps
>> > that HOTOSM volunteers have helped create via tracing for us is
>> > amazingly detailed (in terms of residential areas, roads, pre-quake
>> > buildings), but hard to use because of the lack of POIs on the
>> > ground. This was an attempt to alleviate the problem, but sounds
>> > like we did misinterpret the license issue, and apologies for
>> > that.
>> >
>> > We simply did not know about the problematic geolocations. However,
>> > it is worth noting that this dataset is what a lot of organizations
>> > have been using locally, given that it is the best available
>> > dataset of health facility locations.
>> >
>> > Maybe the discussion we need to have soon is how we can improve
>> > OSM-based tools (MapOSMatic, Fieldpapers, etc) to incorporate
>> > datasets like this that are very useful in scenarios like what we
>> > are going through, but are incompatible to put into OSM because of
>> > the license.
>> >
>> > cheers, Prabhas
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
>> > <ravilac...@gmail.com <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi all:
>> >
>> > Megha (MeghaShrestha), the user that imported these data, has
>> > answered me through the OSM messaging. She works with the KLL and
>> > she tells me: "we are trying to create papers for the relief
>> > workers. The problem being there are enough details like roads,
>> > buildings, rivers but no POIs in many areas. It is difficult for
>> > the relief workers to locate themselves on the map. Importing the
>> > health facilities data was an attempt so that they can at least
>> > find some POIs they can look for while locating themselves on the
>> > map. The data I imported was from
>> > https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/nepal-health-facilities-cod.
>> > The licence says we can use the data for non commercial purpose and
>> > we need to credit the source. I hope these information are helpful
>> > and you can help us out."
>> >
>> > With this info, I can see that the data is the one we were
>> > discussing a few days ago, although that data set contained almost
>> > 9,000 nodes, whereas the one of Megha had around 4,660.
>> >
>> > I recall the main problem: geolocation was very poor (most of nodes
>> > in well out of any settlements). The other problem I see is the
>> > license: it's for non-commercial use, and that makes it
>> > incompatible with the OSM license.
>> >
>> > I really feel to give a no in such circumstances as these, and
>> > that's why I ask for more input from other people with experience
>> > on this, just in case there is any possibility of including the
>> > data into OSM, and if not what other options we would have to make
>> > good use of these data set, if any.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Rafael.
>> >
>> > On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
>> >> When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several nodes
>> >> tagged as "Hospital" with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA
>> >> as source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is
>> >> nothing nearby. Like here:
>> >> http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=19/28.00839/84.62397 Looks
>> >> like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because
>> >> hospitals are important!
>> >
>> >
>> >> By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a
>> >> "task" now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole
>> >> project?
>> >
>> >> _______________________________________________ HOT mailing list
>> >> HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
>> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________ HOT mailing list
>> > HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
>> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -- Prabhas Pokharel http://prabhasp.com
>> > twitter/skype/facebook/whatever: prabhasp
>> - --
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya
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> --
> Prabhas Pokharel
> http://prabhasp.com
> twitter/skype/facebook/whatever: prabhasp
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> HOT mailing list
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