This is a great thread and I wanted to provide some additional information on 
behalf of DigitalGlobe:

1)      Our goal in collecting imagery and making it available via open license 
is to provide as much data as possible given the humanitarian nature of this 
event. This means we use our satellites in a manner not typically seen. Charlie 
did a great job summarizing this in his recent blog [1]

2)      Given this, we are actually swiveling our satellites to “point” at 
Nepal even when our orbits are not directly over Nepal. As an example, a 
satellite may be vertically overhead Bangladesh, yet, the satellite is looking 
back at Nepal. This is actually quantified and measured in the image metadata 
by referencing the Off Nadir Angle[2] and Target Azimuth. In typical 
circumstances, best accuracy is achieved when Off Nadir angle is less than 20 
degrees. In these cases, the ground RMSE is within a few meters [3] . However, 
the events in Nepal are not considered to by typical circumstances, and in some 
cases, we are pushing Off Nadir Angles above 40 degrees.

3)      I wanted to confirm that all imagery is indeed ortho-rectified and 
geo-corrected to the best of our ability considering timeliness and the fact 
many many people and organizations are waiting for imagery and heavily 
dependent on its availability. In our orthorectification process, we are 
leveraging a variety of elevation models. Important to note that most elevation 
models have linear error that can range from 5-15m. [4] As the off nadir angle 
increases, these inaccuracies in the elevation model propagate into horizontal 
displacements in the imagery. This is why we are seeing large offsets.

4)      The tradeoff here is timely, massive amounts of post event imagery 
acquired under less than ideal circumstances containing horizontal error, or, 
very limited imagery only collected under ideal circumstances with minimal 
horizontal error. As noted below, typically, the former is preferred.

Hope this helps, Kevin

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -

From: Steve Bower []
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 10:49 AM
To: Milo van der Linden
Cc: Heather Leson;; Ross Taylor; HOT@OSM (Humanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team)
Subject: Re: [HOT] [info-hotosm] Reference Project #1030 Nepal Earthquake

You raise important points, and are not "raining on a parade". The resulting 
data will not be suitable for all purposes, but it can be very useful for this 
crisis response.

I do think there is significant risk that some mappers will map directly from 
un-rectified imagery, and introduce problematic location errors. That needs to 
be minimized, e.g., through clear instructions and good validation. I think 
there's room for improvement on the instructions, e.g., it would be good to 
have a wiki page on mapping from un-rectified imagery in combination with 
rectified imagery, for crisis response.


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 5:14 AM, Milo van der Linden 
<<>> wrote:
Hello Springfield Harrison,
As a 20 year GIS veteran I understand what you say. I do agree that in 
communication with first responders it is important to have them clearly 
understand that the accuracy of features can be off ~100m. But for them having 
maps that give a good indication is way better then having no maps at all. In 
the end, and that is what I hope for, it can save lives.
I have a long running discussion with y'olde GIS community on "how can a map 
created by amateurs be better then what we professionals do?". It is my opinion 
that it can be. I believe that "the many are smarter than the few" (quote by 
James Surowiecki). And the HOT tasks have all the ingredients to succeed:
1. There is diversity of opinion
2. People involved in the mapping process have opinions not influenced by those 
around them
3. People operate decentralized
The only thing that might need more attention (and this is where geospatial 
experts can take their role) is that HOT and openstreetmap as a whole could use 
more mechanisms to turn all these little "private judgements" into collective 
quality. This process could involve analysing quantity and different 
representations of the same feature through time. In that way, you could see 
the mapping activity (in dense area's) as GPS. There are faults, influenced by 
methodology, opinion and conditions. And as a GPS professional, you know that 
it is _knowing the error_ that automagically creates accuracy. I would love the 
GIS/GPS community to think about how to know the error in community mapping.
I love this new way of mapping. It creates new opportunities. It involves new 
ways of thinking. It is not influenced by what GIS people say GIS should be 
Kind regards, with respect,

2015-05-07 10:21 GMT+02:00 Springfield Harrison 
Hello Steve,

        Sorry to rain on the parade yet again but I find this matter of image 
alignment to be puzzling and concerning.

        One of the first things I learned when embarking upon GIS/GPS mapping 
was that accurate georeferencing of all layers, but especially the base layers 
(imagery in this case) was sacrosanct.  If things are not in their correct 
point in space, what use is that to the end user?  Especially in rugged 
terrain, with difficult access and rapidly changing stream flows, it is 
important to know where a trail or road really is.  Why try to cross a raging 
torrent when you don't need to?

        Having untrained users realign the imagery willy-nilly is amazing to 
me.  What faith can anyone have in the new tracings if the earth is literally 
moving every time a new user opens up the file?  Accurate map datums and 
projections were created for a reason.

        How is it that, "...the DigitalGlobe 2015-05-03 (DG) images have had 
minimal georectification.."  This is bizarre, this is not GIS, this is merely 
sketching.  Why is such imagery being offered and accepted?  I know that this 
is a major emergency but then all the more need for quality data.

        However, I am newly arrived, and it seems that most people are content 
with a world that can be up to 200 m out of whack.  I'm not sure if I can 
contribute much under the circumstances other than this gloomy criticism.  
Sorry, will try not to dampen the enthusiasm further.

                 Thanks for your patience, Cheers . . . . . . . . Spring

At 06-05-2015 11:59 Wednesday, Steve Bower wrote:

Ross - If you haven't already, see the recent threads on "data alignment to 
satellite imagery" and "imagery alignment", in the archives for May:Â

Note some links pointed out there by althio:ÂÂ

Because the DigitalGlobe 2015-05-03 (DG) images have had minimal 
georectification (needed mainly for elevation distortion), they may be offset 
by 100m or more. On one tile (5.5km wide) I saw offsets relative to Bing of 
125m to the west and, elsewhere, 85m to the east. The offsets may vary 
considerable even in nearby areas, especially in steep terrain.Â

You should align your work with Bing imagery. Thus to digitize from the DG 
imagery you should first adjust the DG imagery to the Bing imagery, and 
re-adjust it as you move from place to place. As you noted, adjusting in one 
area makes it worse in others, so you have to keep re-adjusting as you go. You 
should be able to compare the Bing and DG imagery to confirm where a feature 
visible on DG is located on the Bing imagery (if Bing is clear enough). I try 
to adjust based on buildings, or road intersections/curves (keeping in mind 
that roads are sometimes relocated), or even less permanent features (rivers 
generally are not good, they move around to much). It's a time-consuming 
process, but needed to correctly locate features.

It's not essential that everything be within a few meters of its true location, 
but features should be mapped correctly relative to one-another.

The links above provide guidance on how to align imagery to correct locations. 
It's easy in JOSM with the Imagery Offset tool (on the toolbar).


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 1:53 PM, Steve Bower <> wrote:
I don't think Chad's IDP guidance document (though very helpful) addresses 
the issue of spatial accuracy of the DG imagery, raised by Ross. I'm going to 
post that as a separate issue with more detail.
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:35 AM, Heather Leson < > wrote:
HI Ross, sorry for my delayed response. It is best if you ask your questions on 
the main mailing list.
Chad provided this guidance document on IDPs
Hope this helps
On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 12:40 AM, Ross Taylor < > wrote:
Hi, I am seeing many more IDP sites using DigitlaGlobe imagery vs Bing. I can 
toggle between the two image sets, but they are significantly nonaligned. I 
created a landuse=brownfield tagged area which aligns with Bing, but if I mark 
and tag the individual IDP sites showing up in DigitalGlobe imagery, the 
brownfield and idp are not going to be aligned. I want to help out as much as 
possible and would like the data to be correct. Please advise, thanks!
Note: I tried to adjust alignment but it fixes one area and creates more offset 
in other areas.
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