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having very limited time at the moment, I wasn't able to map the last days.
I have been active in Nepal since the end of 2014 and I had the time to learn reading the Imagery regarding roads. Sometimes you have to map from both sides until it becomes clear, how this track is going.

But I have a quite different perspective than some experienced mappers. Its not a problem, if 2,3 or 10 buildings are marked as landuse=residential. Its not important if buildings are squared or not. Its not important, if these buildings are off by 50m or even a bit more. Its absolutely not important, if 3 single buildings are drawn as one big. And its not important, if this is a track, a road, unclassified or residental street.
No, I'm not a retard and not a troll. But I feel some slightly lost the focus on our goal!

Our goal is to help rescue and relief organisations! Search and Rescue from debris is important a few days from the incident. NOW our goal is to provide a map for logistics only! People struggle for food and clean water as well as shelter.
So it is important, that these organisations know that there is a building, there are spontaneous camps, there are major damages in this village. Is absolutely doesn't matter if the shapes are correct.

So, please, let us finish with our work before cleaning up. The cleanup from this desaster need several years - both, in nepal as well as in OSM.

Yes, I complained a lot about new contributors also, but despite of invalidating tiles that are not perfect, I corrected important things and validated them tough - not a perfect workflow, but it's an encouraging one!

So, stay healthy!


Am 09.05.2015 um 18:08 schrieb john whelan:
> Pierre says it best but my thoughts follow.
> To me the unsquared buildings are not a major issue in Nepal.  Within a tile a JOSM user can select buildings, then select an unsquared one remember the user select buildings once more then square all the buildings for that user in one keystroke.
> As a beginner I suggest you don't correct odd areas, let someone else do the dirty deed, it saves having upset users and sometimes its just a matter of someone forgetting to tag it and often an experienced mapper can glance at it and give it a tag.
> Paths and tracks unless its very clear I stay away from these in Nepal and I'm fairly experienced.  There are a number of terraces, the land can be quite steep so even though two ends of a path may look close together reality is its a long drop between the two.
> For the moment I'd just add buildings, if you can manage to use JOSM and the building_tool plugin, you'll need the remote control plugin as well you'll find it's very easy to use and produces squared buildings correctly tagged and we have a lot of buildings to add.
> Cheerio John
> On 9 May 2015 at 11:12, Barbara Figge <bfi...@web.de <mailto:bfi...@web.de>> wrote:
>     Hi to everyone,
>     I am one of the beginners of the last weeks, since last friday I mapped - mostly buildings (and mostly unsquared, I am one of them, too), tried some paths. I try to read the mailing list notes in between, I started with the mapgive things before first mapping, I read the instructions before starting, I did not validate and though these mistakes happened. But I am learning a lot.
>     Currently I am a little irritated about all the mistakes one can make and so I made up my mind not to stop mapping, but to stay on the safe side of the street: mapping buildings, and after I noticed the importance of buildings being squared, squaring my and the buildings of others.
>     Now there are some questions left: in the tile I worked in there are some areas without description (and no bulding or something else to see)- shall I delete them or do they have a special reason I overread in the mailing list conversation?
>     There are a lot of mapped buildings, where the symbol is some meters away from the building. Shall I correct or is it okay?
>     And: is there a possibility to go back to a tile I worked on by searching the number or must I search inside the map?
>     Best wishes and: as far as I can see from my small desk, a lot of people are doing great work!
>     Barbara
>     barbaraulrike in osm
>     *Gesendet:* Samstag, 09. Mai 2015 um 15:11 Uhr
>     *Von:* "john whelan" <jwhelan0...@gmail.com <mailto:jwhelan0...@gmail.com>>
>     *An:* "Pierre Béland" <pierz...@yahoo.fr <mailto:pierz...@yahoo.fr>>
>     *Cc:* "hot@openstreetmap.org <mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org>" <hot@openstreetmap.org <mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org>>
>     *Betreff:* Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018
>     I think I'm moderately experienced in mapping.  In West Africa I'm very comfortable validating, in Nepal I'm happy I know what a building looks like but paths, streams etc I'm not so comfortable with, there is a lot of distracting detail on the images.  Do I validate and clean up the building and tag side?  Or just add a few more buildings?
>     Thoughts?
>     Thanks John
>     On 9 May 2015 at 08:27, Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr <http://pierz...@yahoo.fr>> wrote:
>         We have to adapt to an awesome contribution with this Nepal emergency. We need more people. At the same time, we need to adapt in various ways to crowdsourcing as we see various problems arizing.
>         I also opened a ticket. This would be for the validators to prioritize validating first for the less experienced. A checkbox could let show only tiles selected by less experienced contributors.
>         https://github.com/hotosm/osm-tasking-manager2/issues/599
>         regard
>         Pierre
>         -------------------------
>         *De :* Severin Menard <severin.men...@gmail.com <http://severin.men...@gmail.com>>
>         *À :* Extra Paul <paulok...@hotmail.com <http://paulok...@hotmail.com>>
>         *Cc :* "hot@openstreetmap.org <http://hot@openstreetmap.org>" <hot@openstreetmap.org <http://hot@openstreetmap.org>>
>         *Envoyé le :* Samedi 9 mai 2015 7h49
>         *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018
>         Hi all,
>         I understand your worry Paul, and have the same experience of unvalidating tasks. I put clear comments for the people to know why. There is no offense I hope, everyone has been a beginner once and learning and improving is part of the motivation with OSM, IMHO.
>         I just suggested this change in the asking Manager that should prevent in the future the fact that tiles are validated by beginners:
>         https://github.com/hotosm/osm-tasking-manager2/issues/598, titled: Validate button only for mappers who clicked previously on Edit with JOSM.
>         I also hope iD will have in the future not only a building mapping tool, but also (as mappers may not use the building tool) an automatic proposition to square or round the shape that has just been traced as soon as a building tag is chosen (GitHub issue: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/2624).
>         The tools and the documentation apart, we also need to organize and exchange between us the people: who is interested in validation checking meaning also providing feedback or monitoring beginners? Basically you need to be a proficient user of JOSM and having a lot of edits (not less than with 4-5 zeros, I would say)
>         It takes a bit of time but it is valuable and a nice way to interact. My hello to Suzan Reed who asked me  directly for monitoring her tasks.
>         We have a list <http://tools.neis-one.org/tmp/20150425-20150505_Nepal_NewContributorsOSM.txt> (thanks to Pascal Neis!) of the beginners from the start of the Activation, some are drive-bys (typically only 1 day of mapping, a few edits) and others more to super committed mappers. I have started a spreadsheet for those who would like to monitor these committed mappers.
>         Sincerely,
>         Severin
>         On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Extra Paul <paulok...@hotmail.com <http://paulok...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>             Dear openstreetmappers :)
>             I'm quite worried about the quality of maps for task 1018.
>             Many of mappers, obviously, did not check the instructions or even the tutorials. People want to help, and that's awesome, but maybe validation should be done my more experienced and meticulous mappers.
>             I've seen mappers validating more that 10 areas in less than an hour, and those areas still contain many errors : clusters of buildings mapped as one, landuse=residential area used for clusters of nothing more than 1 or 2 buildings, many streams seen as footpath, many paths in the middle of nowhere...
>             Maybe instructions should contain some images to show clearly what is expected, and explain that the purpose of this map is to count each individual buildings and have roads and paths connected to them so buildings can be reached by humanitarian teams.
>             Currently, most of my time on 1018 is to check validated areas because half of those areas are not correctly mapped.
>             Paul
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