I’m doing research on community engagement in HOT, so can answer some of these 
at least partially.

> On 4 Jun 2015, at 23:34, Milo van der Linden <m...@dogodigi.net> wrote:
> 1. In pre-crisis taskprojects; Do you think it is important to have a person 
> or organisation publishing announcements and "attracting" volunteers to a 
> task?

As far as I can tell, Missing Maps uses a combination of:
- monthly mapathons in a growing number of cities
- sustained promotion on FB & Twitter
- email notifications to pull past participants back in

… and they’re most likely the best of the key HOT initiatives at retaining 
contributors for low-urgency projects. (I’ve looked at the numbers.)

> 2. Is there a way to get (a rough estimate) on time volunteers spend on a 
> task?

It always depends. Many factors involved, as Andrew says. However there are 
some ballpark numbers you can use.

I don’t have specific numbers per project or even task, but I’ve computed total 
labour hours for first-time contributors, across all projects. 
- 50% contributors work for at least 2 hours total
- 20% contributors work for at least 9 hours total
(All such contributor statistics tend to be long-tail distributed, so simple 
averages wouldn’t be very meaningful.)

See slide 11 of my HOT Summit presentation on the topic:

> 3. Is there a (rough estimate) on the number of objects (nodes, ways, 
> relations) an average volunteer produces during a task?
> 4. Do you think it would be possible, given the size of a geographic "area of 
> interest" to estimate how many volunteers and/or mapping days would be 
> required to succesfully complete a taskproject?

In the projects I’ve looked at people tend to contribute at a rate of 500-600 
edits per hour. It varies by project and contributor.

Pete Masters of the MSF found that people contribute 75 buildings an hour, 
which is maybe a more useful number.

Again, these numbers are somewhat useful to build estimates, but also 
potentially really misleading — projects and geographies are often quite 

That said, I can see how it could be useful to have a model of expected 
volunteer capacity for use in project planning. Get in touch if anyone is 
interested in building such a model and looking for evidence, I’m not a task 
designer but I can certainly contribute stats.

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