
For your information, I've recently written a document in which I
describe what I think could be the future enhancements in the tasking
Specifically, there's a section about validation you may want to read.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 6:40 AM, Suzan Reed <> wrote:
> Friends,
> I would like to see some boundaries set on who validates. Someone with less 
> than 50 changesets should not be validating, or even marking a tile Done. 
> Sometimes I think new mapper validate and invalidate just for the fun of it. 
> They quickly validate or invalidate and don’t map or complete a tile.
> Would it be possible to require a validator to !. complete the validation 
> course, and 2. have a set number of tiles completed? I know this will 
> probably be an arbitrary number and we can all argue all the many benchmarks, 
> but at least set it high enough so newbies are validating.
> I’ve often thought the Tasking Manager could use a little tweaking so the 
> Done, Validate, and Invalidate buttons are more intuitively understood. I’ve 
> seen newbies mark a tile Done when they finish their session. I think I might 
> have done that in my first days, too.
> Like John’s idea of having a designated validation person or team watching 
> for tiles that need validation in a specific project.  Blake Girdardot 
> actively involved in the Myanmar mapping, and it was very helpful.
> Possibly the validation course needs a bit of editing. These modules are up 
> for comments. Currently a team is editing for tone and clarity, but it is not 
> integrated into the modules yet.
> Suzan
> On Aug 23, 2015, at 4:34 PM, john whelan <> wrote:
> I've been looking through the new courses and one thing that hit me was my 
> idea of validation seems quite different to the concept I've seen so far in 
> the course so I think we should start by deciding what we want our tile 
> validators to do.
> These are my thoughts.
> Higher level validation can use different tools over a wider area.
> First comment is what I've found to be the most successful is not to declare 
> something invalid unless its really bad.  You want the mapper to feel 
> welcome, you want them to map again, INVALID missing a hut doesn't do that.  
> I've had people send me that on one of my tiles by the way, just map the hut 
> and move on.
> Generally I'll sit on one or more projects and validate just those projects 
> as the tiles are done.
> The objective is to give feedback within 24 hrs or less to the mapper.
> This feedback serves two purposes, one we are interested in your mapping and 
> second the earlier I can catch someone making a mistake the fewer errors I'll 
> need to fix in the future.
> In Cameroon using these techniques we've actually managed to completely map 
> and validate several projects.
> Note to Project managers if you want your project completed get yourself a 
> validator who validates the tiles as they are done.
> When you start on a new project take a look at the mapper, if they've mapped 
> twice three months ago then don't waste your time sending them emails just 
> clean up.
> Personally I only use JOSM when validating, you do have to press the validate 
> button for it to do its thing by the way.  It will only automatically 
> validate those edits you have made when you upload not the rest.
> Having said that there is a place for iD when validating, two of the mappers 
> I work with validate as a team one does the careful visual checking in iD, 
> the other runs JOSM over the end product.
> The quality of the imagery used seems to have an impact on the quality of the 
> mapping.  Especially with new mappers, less than ideal imagery means 
> validation is slow and tedious.
> I think we have to ask ourselves about how much we are prepared to pay for 
> what quality of work.  ie service level agreement.
> When we have a very large number of new mappers who are making lots of errors 
> then sometimes the judgement call is a JOSM validation to clean up the worst 
> errors and tag it "validated in JOSM" so if someone has the time they can go 
> back over it.  Select two top tiles and two base tiles and bring them into 
> JOSM, now download the area between directly from OSM run the validator tool 
> and do the search checks, ie area=yes etc.  Its fast and picks up many 
> mistakes but isn't the same quality as a normal validation.
> Things to look for are untagged ways - JOSM validation will pick these up.
> area=yes can be landuse=residential or building=yes
> zebra crossings in anywhere but the UK shouldn't be there.
> crossing highways not connected, throws the routing software.
> In Africa in rural areas highway=footway should be highway=path same for 
> highway=pedestrian, careful how you give feedback if they are an experienced 
> OSM mapper they're used to tagging with other values and you want to retain 
> them so point them to the African highway wiki bit and suggest 
> highway=unclassified, track or path are the most commonly used values in 
> rural areas.
> Buildings not squared, select buildings=yes the select each mapper in turn if 
> the don't have any huts use q to square them all at once. This is a time 
> management issue if we had more time we should do them one at a time reality 
> does it really matter if the building is square?  We know the rough shape and 
> size and buildings are expensive in mapper time.  Locally talking to one 
> mapper, buildings are OK for the first three hours after that forget them.  
> Another mapper I know refers them as building hell projects.  Some mappers 
> are very good and will map buildings, I tend to be protective of them and 
> very gentle with them as well.  If you have a building project the ones 
> mapped in JOSM building_tool are much easier to validate than the iD ones.
> Scan the tile <crtl><Down arrow> and look for missed settlements, I think my 
> record is twenty on a single tile.
> huts are awkward, OSM says point or circular, HOT prefers circular but 
> experienced mappers will often use points.  You want them to keep HOT 
> mapping, if you criticise them too much they'll go back and map waste paper 
> bins locally.
> Is there some sort of path or unclassified highway to each settlement?  If 
> not can we drop one in.  I map fewer paths, and tracks than I used to, it 
> takes time to map every track and path.
> Try to avoid being condescending when communicating with mappers.   "The 
> content is great, but how things are said often leaves the impression we are 
> a bunch of arrogant, condescending jerks." Each mapper is different, you 
> won't have time to read their life history before contacting them, click on 
> their name the OSM profile send message or @username (@[firstname secondname] 
> if they have a space in their name) in the comment.  the @ method works best 
> as it shows the project and tile numbers.  Be polite and if possible use the 
> third person, JOSM validation threw up the following problems on this tile.  
> HOT may not have their email address but you can contact them, the OSM 
> profile will send an email to their email address.
> If they are carefully mapping every building on the project and it isn't 
> required in the instructions I tend to say thanks for mapping them but they 
> aren't required in the instructions, hoping they'll map a few more tiles more 
> quickly.
> Somethings are subjective, if one mapper has mapped them one way on one tile 
> and another mapper has mapped them differently on another unless there is a 
> clear way to map them I'd let them go.  For example highway=unclassified or 
> highway=path sometimes its difficult to be definite one way or the other 
> especially when you look at the number of buildings in the settlement.
> I do do a <crtl>f with nothing in it to select everything then scroll down 
> the list of tags looking for unusual ones.
> Finally I never use JOSM Presets <crtl>f works fine for me.
> I'm sure others have different ways of validating so your thoughts please 
> then perhaps we can first define our target audience then refine the course.
> Cheerio John
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