As I’m going through the comments again (here and on my diary post) I’m 
starting to realise how important it is to give feedback to newcomers. Without 
it, few people will ever feel confident about their contributions.

In many cases it probably doesn’t even need to be feedback from an expert — it 
could be a comment from someone with similar experience levels. A second pair 
of eyes.

An important part of this is being able to ask someone for a second opinion. At 
a mapathon that’s easy, but where do remote mappers go?


> On 24 Aug 2015, at 19:00, David Toy <> wrote:
> Hi Jarmo. Welcome!
> My introduction/onboarding to HOT was almost identical to Jarmo's - and I can 
> relate very clearly to all the points he has raised. I suspect that there are 
> a few more lurkers on this list who will be similar.
> Pierre G's document suggests renaming the 'mark as done' button to 'submit 
> for review'.
> A simplification of terms / altered workflow would have helped me initially. 
> Taking the example of the done button, 'submit for review' implies that:
> - a) it's ok to make a mistake getting started - someone will catch it, and
> - b) I should expect feedback
> This helps with Jarmo's first and second scenarios, but also softens the blow 
> when (your first) task is coldly invalidated with only four words of 
> explanation. (Validators: that's not a criticism - I understand the time 
> pressure.)
> Also, not all users will read the docs - while training resources are useful, 
> these little nudges of understanding help all users - even the new ones who 
> enthusiastically started but didn't read the instructions.
> David
> On 24 August 2015 at 17:18, Jarmo Kivekäs <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been lurking on the mailing list for a while, but I'm still fairly
> new to HOT. I though I'd pitch in.
> I definitely recognized myself from Martin's write up as belonging to
> the set of contributors who commit changes but don't mark tiles as done.
> Below are some reasons why I've not marked tiles as complete in the past.
> 1. I think part of the reason is that I started out mapping on my own (I
> haven't found a local community, nor was I introduced to mapping on a
> mapathon). Therefore I haven't been able to just quickly ask someone
> advice about something I'm unsure about. In these cases I've usually
> left a comment in the tasking manager about whatever I was unsure about,
> mapped the rest, but not marked the tile as done.
> Not marking the tile done is me being conservative, I guess. As a new
> mapper it is currently difficult to get feedback on the quality of your
> mapping, you pretty much needs to actively seek it out. Getting
> notifications when there are new comments on tiles you've worked on
> would be nice.
> 2. When parts of a region are already mapped (probably form before the
> activation was created) but the tiles that are already mapped are not
> marked as done. I'm reluctant to mark a grid as done without making any
> changes to it, even if it seemingly fills all the criterion for the
> task. Especially when the grid has been locked my multiple users in the
> past. "They didn't think it was as done, I'm probably missing
> something." I realize that this thinking only propagates the problem,
> since I'll just be one more user on the list.
> 3. Grids can be pretty large. Sometimes you just don't manage to map it
> completely in a short sitting. I know grids can be split, but...
> 4. Sometimes I'll for example only be mapping roads. Doing this will
> result in many tiles being checked out and changesets are generated, but
> no tiles are actually being finished.
> -- Jarmo
> On 24.08.2015 16:37, Martin Dittus wrote:
> >
> >> On 24 Aug 2015, at 11:22, john whelan <> wrote:
> >>
> >> I'd also like to see a third option on the tasking manger "I've done some 
> >> work but not completed the tile could someone review it please."  I'd 
> >> rather catch errors early and some new mappers may not feel confident 
> >> enough to mark a tile complete.
> >
> > Considering better workflows for “incomplete” submissions is well 
> > worthwhile. This week I found that about half of all HOT contributors never 
> > mark their first task as “done” although they contributed edits to the map.
> >
> > I’ve written it up here, with stats and a brief discussion:
> >
> >
> > m.
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