Versión en Español viniendo pronto

Hi all,

Hurricane Patricia has been downgraded to a tropical depression. In practical 
terms this marks its end as a notable weather event. Thanks to a lucky storm 
path that avoided population centers and good preparedness work by the Mexican 
authorities not a single person died. However, significant property damage 
occurred and much rebuilding remains to be done, particularly along the coast. 
We anticipate HOT's data will assist reconstruction in the affected areas.

HOT, in coordination with the OSM MX commnunity, has been active the past two 
days tracking the hurricane's progress and mapping vulnerable areas in its 
path. We have two mapping tasks open on the OSM Tasking Manager 
( a task covering coastal areas in the storm's path and a 
task mapping more inland areas. We do not anticipate opening additional tasks 
but we are monitoring the situation in case landslides, floods or other 
post-hurricane hazards create humanitarian situations we can contribute to.

Thanks to the hard work of volunteers like yourself we've made good progress. 
At present the coastal mapping task ( is 
almost completely mapped but only partly validated; validators would be most 
appreciated on this task. The inland mapping task 
( is only 15% complete and needs a lot 
more work. For those who are new to HOT or OSM and still want to contribute, 
this second task is a perfect place to start.

Additionally, HOT is working with data providers to prepare one or more data 
imports for the affected areas. We have received explicit permission from the 
Mexican Government to import anything on its open data site 
( into OSM - a very exciting first. Potential data useful 
for Patricia includes administrative boundaries, roads, schools and/or 
hospitals. For those who are curious about this, please follow the osm-imports 
list ( where we will post 
plans for any import(s).

Thank you to all those who have contributed so far in small ways or large. We 
appreciate the efforts of each and every one of you so very much.

With all the best,
Robert, Humberto and Rafael

*Key Links*

For those curious for additional details about this activation, please refer to 
the project wiki:

For those just getting started with HOT / OSM or just curious, check out 
MapGive, which explains why this work is so important:

If you want to learn more about mapping after that, go through the mapbox 

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