Thanks guys! Sorry I wasnt’ there to help out Taichi, I’m on a Nepal time zone 
so just saw this.

Sent from Mailbox

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Blake Girardot <>

> Hi Taichi,
> Pierre Beland gave your account edit access to the dev and the main
> tasking managers so you should be able to edit any projects.on the
> servers.
> Thank you very much for the assistance!
> Cheers,
> Blake
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Taichi Furuhashi <> wrote:
>> Hi Robert and HOT members:
>> I'm a HOT member in Japan.
>> We have shared "The inland mapping task" to Japanese mappers.
>> Major mappers are newbies, because they are students.
>> If you can, I want to translate some description in Japanese for beginners
>> in Japan.
>> Could you add editable permission to me?
>> Regards,
>> from Taichi
>> 2015-10-25 22:03 GMT+09:00 Robert Banick <>:
>>> Versión en Español viniendo pronto
>>> Hi all,
>>> Hurricane Patricia has been downgraded to a tropical depression. In
>>> practical terms this marks its end as a notable weather event. Thanks to a
>>> lucky storm path that avoided population centers and good preparedness work
>>> by the Mexican authorities not a single person died. However, significant
>>> property damage occurred and much rebuilding remains to be done,
>>> particularly along the coast. We anticipate HOT's data will assist
>>> reconstruction in the affected areas.
>>> HOT, in coordination with the OSM MX commnunity, has been active the past
>>> two days tracking the hurricane's progress and mapping vulnerable areas in
>>> its path. We have two mapping tasks open on the OSM Tasking Manager
>>> ( a task covering coastal areas in the storm's path and a
>>> task mapping more inland areas. We do not anticipate opening additional
>>> tasks but we are monitoring the situation in case landslides, floods or
>>> other post-hurricane hazards create humanitarian situations we can
>>> contribute to.
>>> Thanks to the hard work of volunteers like yourself we've made good
>>> progress. At present the coastal mapping task
>>> ( is almost completely mapped but only
>>> partly validated; validators would be most appreciated on this task. The
>>> inland mapping task ( is only 15%
>>> complete and needs a lot more work. For those who are new to HOT or OSM and
>>> still want to contribute, this second task is a perfect place to start.
>>> Additionally, HOT is working with data providers to prepare one or more
>>> data imports for the affected areas. We have received explicit permission
>>> from the Mexican Government to import anything on its open data site
>>> ( into OSM - a very exciting first. Potential data
>>> useful for Patricia includes administrative boundaries, roads, schools
>>> and/or hospitals. For those who are curious about this, please follow the
>>> osm-imports list ( where we
>>> will post plans for any import(s).
>>> Thank you to all those who have contributed so far in small ways or large.
>>> We appreciate the efforts of each and every one of you so very much.
>>> With all the best,
>>> Robert, Humberto and Rafael
>>> *Key Links*
>>> For those curious for additional details about this activation, please
>>> refer to the project wiki:
>>> For those just getting started with HOT / OSM or just curious, check out
>>> MapGive, which explains why this work is so important:
>>> If you want to learn more about mapping after that, go through the mapbox
>>> tutorials:
>>> —
>>> Sent from Mailbox
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> HOT mailing list
>> --
>> ## Taichi FURUHASHI
>> ## Professor of School of Global Studies and Collaboration, Aoyama Gakuin
>> Univ.
>> ## President of MAPconcierge Inc.
>> ## Director of OpenStreetMap F. Japan with
>> ## Director of the OSGeo F. Japan
>> ## Researcher of the center for spatial info. science, univ.of Tokyo
>> ## ZIP252-5258, Fuchinobe5-10-1,Sagamihara,Kanagawa, Japan.
>> ## Room No.720, B-Building, GSC, Sagamihara Campus, Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
>> ## 〒252-5258 神奈川県相模原市中央区淵野辺5-10-1 青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス 地球社会共生学部 B棟720
>> ## TEL/Skype&Twitter&LI&FB: 070-6401-5963 /
>> ## URL/Mail:,
>> ## GPS/GigaPan/UAV Shop: 、売上1%がOSMFJの活動費として寄付されます。
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>> HOT mailing list
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