POSM was developed exactly for this type of use case. The status.md isn't
up to date and should be ignored.

POSM does host imagery with the new OpenDroneMap module. You can add a tiff
and it will be served as a TMS. You an also add any MBTile archive (bing)
and have that served as well. POSM is designed to take an AOI, use
collected imagery, host field papers, and have support for mobile data
surveys all offline.

Happy to answer any questions that anyone might have.


On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 9:08 AM, Joseph Reeves <iknowjos...@gmail.com>

> Thanks John, but I'm mostly certain POSM doesn't host imagery:
> https://github.com/posm/posm/blob/master/STATUS.md
> Looks like it could be a good feature to add though! Looks like Dale has
> opened an issue on it already: https://github.com/posm/posm/issues/277
> Cheers, Joseph
> On 22 March 2017 at 15:58, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ​an old post giving details.
>> John​
>> Matt Sayler <matt.say...@gmail.com>
>> 15/08/2016
>> to me, Laura, hot
>> POSM & Red Cross had an excellent presentation at SOTMUS, and Seth
>> mentioned he'd be willing to set some up for the cost of hardware and
>> brownies (I assume that will become dependent on demand/appetite):
>> http://stateofthemap.us/2016/field-mapping-at-scale/
>> Nutshell: POSM is for mapping in low/no service areas. It can serve as a
>> local, disconnected OSM server, which can later push changes up to the main
>> OSM when in an area with service. They primarily use Intel NUC's (~$350 for
>> all hardware, runs off ~6w), but have installed it on Rasberry Pi, Intel
>> Edison, Beagle Bone, etc. I'm not aware of them doing a usb bootable
>> install, but might be possible? Red Cross uses $50 Android phones & Field
>> Papers for doing the mapping.
>> Pretty freaking cool project!
>> https://github.com/AmericanRedCross/posm
>> On 22 March 2017 at 11:53, Joseph Reeves <iknowjos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > In a windows environment its fairly easy to configure.  In the
>>> security tabs for the folder you just make the folder shareable but read
>>> only.
>>> There's OSM editors that will source imagery over SMB? I've never looked
>>> into it, but I'd be surprised.
>>> Thinking about this very quickly, my points would be:
>>> 1: RAID: I'd want some disk redundancy as the device is likely to be
>>> used in tough environments that are far from good sources of replacement
>>> disks, or replacement imagery.
>>> 2: Software: As already mentioned, you're going to need some software to
>>> serve the tiles. WMS? You'd want a device that was easy to get running with
>>> third party software. Performance may also be an issue, depending on how
>>> many people you were catering for.
>>> I hope someone will come along with an example of what they've managed
>>> to do before. If not it should be a fun exercise :)
>>> Cheers, Joseph
>>> On 22 March 2017 at 15:42, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Are you looking for information on how to do it?  On suggested hardware?
>>>> Essentially for this purpose I see no reason why one local machine such
>>>> as a lap top couldn't feed the others.  In a windows environment its fairly
>>>> easy to configure.  In the security tabs for the folder you just make the
>>>> folder shareable but read only.
>>>> Have you  looked at POSM?  (Portable OSM) they may have this already
>>>> worked out and documented for the field.
>>>> Thanks John
>>>> On 22 March 2017 at 11:22, Claire Halleux <claire.hall...@hotosm.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello HOT Community,
>>>>> I'm currently looking into NAS specifications for serving imagery
>>>>> tiles locally for OSMapping purposes. The NAS would be coupled to a router
>>>>> accessible to the mappers. Contributors would still be connected to the
>>>>> relatively slow Internet for downloading/uploading their data but the idea
>>>>> is to get the ability to load imagery tiles much faster and access
>>>>> additional images, in particular during mapathons.
>>>>> Therefore I would welcome any feedback from people, organisations or
>>>>> communities using similar hardware to support data digitizing.
>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> Claire
>>>>> Claire Halleux
>>>>> +243 81 611 6998 (Kinshasa, DRC)
>>>>> OpenStreetMap RDC
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