OpenStreetMap and HOT conventions are slightly different.  In OpenStreetMap
a much wider range of mapping conventions are used and it is quite
acceptable for a building to be mapped as a node or outline, in HOT the
convention is to map it in outline.

If the buildings are mapped accurately then you can do population estimates
by adding up the area of each building although its not as accurate as
counting people directly but much better than nothing.  How many doses of
vaccine do we need?  There are many other uses the data can be put to.  How
many children do we think there are who need schooling?

Once they are in OpenStreetMap then there are a number of ways to render
them.  Some rendering systems render some things but not others.  For
example OSMand renders street numbers on a node but not attached to a
building outline.  Maperitive can dig anything out and render it with the
right rules.

I think you can assume that if the information is in the data people who
need it can dig it out.  They won't restrict themselves to what is printed
or rendered on a particular web site.  They just go for the raw data.

Cheerio John

On 19 May 2017 at 07:18, Bjoern Hassler <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I've got a few questions about buildings and residential areas. Here's the
> first one. Can buildings be entered as nodes? This may well have been
> discussed before :) but I'd like to understand the situation better.
> On the one hand,
> suggests that nodes tagged as buildings are fine. However, nodes with
>  building=yes only are not rendered in standard carto.
> says there's just
> about 0.9m buildings as nodes (about 0.5% of buildings that are areas,
> which is about 220m in total). Running some overpass queries, I'd say there
> are around 60,000 buildings as nodes in sub-Saharan Africa (so about ~7% of
> the total "buildings as nodes" set), and poking around a bit, some seem to
> come from campaigns like these:
>    - #hotosm-liberia-task-489
>    - #hotosm-task-572
>    - #hotosm-ebola-si-586, #MapGive #UNVolunteers
> Do you have any suggestions? I guess the questions are:
>    - Should nodes[building=yes][name=""] be rendered in carto?
>    - If not, what about existing nodes? Should they be replaced by ways?
>    - If yes, then would it not be easier to just use nodes in for some
>    campaigns? It's obviously much faster just to copy-paste building nodes
>    (e.g. in JOSM) rather than drawing outlines. I can see that outlines help
>    in cities, as it indicates land-use better, but in many of the deep-rural
>    areas, is there a strong benefit to having buildings as outlines? Sure, it
>    tell us the size (which relates to quantity of spray), but is the exact
>    size that relevant? Do we know that data is entered accurately enough for
>    this to matter?
> Anyway, not meant to be controversial - just trying to understand the
> issue!
> I've also filed an issue on github here:
> in case
> people want to discuss there too.
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