Dear List,

I'm involved in a project with an Italian high school (IIS A.Avogadro,
Turin) mapping N'Tchangue area in Guinea Bissau.
After completing the related HOT project (#7151), we're going to add
detatils to the Map (schools, health center, water wells...) having this
informations from a NGO (Abalalite) which works there.
Abalalite is giving us information (the name) also about moranças,
settlements of family clans (they range since 2 to 30 houses).
As you can see in picture [1], moranças are very close each other, all
together they form the hamlet/village named T'Changue.

We'd like to know your opinion how is the best way to map moranças:
- setting the name tag directly on landuse=residential area (maybe adding a
"morança=yes" tag? It seems to me it's a specificity, to be areas
 inhabited by family clans)
- adding the name to place=isolated_dwelling/hamlet tag (not sure it's a
good idea to put so many hamlets so close each other; also, all together
they are a village...)
- or ... ?

Thank you for your opinion,
Marco (mbranco2)

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