Rather than use morança=yes, I would propose morança as value of the key 
'place'. Furthermore, in Africa, usually place=* is assigned to a point, 
located in the center of a residential area, while is uncommon to find it as 
tag of that area.
The simplest and most widespread way to map most place types is to position a 
node roughly at it's center (for a populated place having a central town hall, 
square or similar (far from all do), preferably there though).

In my opinion, I would be mapping them as residential areas and putting a point 
with place=isolated_dwellings or similar. If needed, I would add something 
like: description=Morança

By the way, I totally agree about security. This is by far the most important 
thing and should be the main concern while mapping those areas.

Buon lavoro,

Michael Montani
GIS Consultant, Data and Visualization Unit
Service for Geospatial Information and Telecommunications Technologies
United Nations Global Service Centre
United Nations Department of Operational Support

Brindisi  | Phone: +39 0831 056985 | Mobile: +39 3297193455 | Intermission: 158 
6985 |
E-mail: michael.mont...@un.org<mailto:m...@un.org>

On 24/02/20 12:40, Donal Hunt wrote:
There does not appear to be much documentation around the concept of moranças. 
In OSM, it's normal to propose a method for mapping this data and requesting 
review of the proposal. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposal_process

The only other comment I have at this time is whether there are any concerns 
around data protection / security given the ability to identify groups of 
individuals. If I was doing this in Ireland, I would not add surnames to 
residential houses even if the data was available / permissions was granted.

Specifically, on the tagging question. landuse=residential; morança=yes; 
name=<name> does seem a reasonable approach. You may also want to look at 
place=neighbourhood or boundary=administrative (the latter does have an entry 
for Guinea but not Guinea Bissau). A review of tags already in use for the 
country may help identify a good approach.



On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 at 15:16, mbranco2 
<mbran...@gmail.com<mailto:mbran...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear List,

I'm involved in a project with an Italian high school (IIS A.Avogadro, Turin) 
mapping N'Tchangue area in Guinea Bissau.
After completing the related HOT project (#7151), we're going to add detatils 
to the Map (schools, health center, water wells...) having this informations 
from a NGO (Abalalite) which works there.
Abalalite is giving us information (the name) also about moranças, settlements 
of family clans (they range since 2 to 30 houses).
As you can see in picture [1], moranças are very close each other, all together 
they form the hamlet/village named T'Changue.

We'd like to know your opinion how is the best way to map moranças:
- setting the name tag directly on landuse=residential area (maybe adding a 
"morança=yes" tag? It seems to me it's a specificity, to be areas  inhabited by 
family clans)
- adding the name to place=isolated_dwelling/hamlet tag (not sure it's a good 
idea to put so many hamlets so close each other; also, all together they are a 
- or ... ?

Thank you for your opinion,
Marco (mbranco2)

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