The only problem I have is that I know exactly zero things about PHP. I didn't 
think the web would get this big or last this long, so I never learned much 
about web development.

That being said, I will try to poke around the code and extract what I can, as 
it does seem similar in function if not in form.


Izzy Leibowitz

-------- Original Message --------
On Oct 20, 2021, 3:07 AM, Jon Spriggs wrote:

> Hi Izzy,
> I do something similar (but, honestly, much less efficiently) with 
> The show is run using this script: 
> and this 
> library:
> And yes, it's god-awful PHP, written over 10 years ago by someone who didn't 
> really know a lot about Object Orientated Programming, but thought it was a 
> bloomin' good idea, and should be done that way.
> Basically, I use Festival to create the text-to-speech elements, and then use 
> Sox to move audio around, add audio (or silence) to the start and end of the 
> show and layer one element on top of the next. You're welcome to have a poke 
> around in the code and ask questions at will :) If you want to take this 
> off-list, I'm happy to be emailed directly, or you can contact me via 
> Telegram ( or Matrix 
> ( or at a push Twitter or 
> LinkedIn DMs :) Links to those profiles are on my website listed below :)
> --
> Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
> @jontheniceguy everywhere...
> On Sun, 17 Oct 2021 at 19:52, Izzy Leibowitz via Hpr 
> <> wrote:
>> This idea is related heavily with a project I am percolating between all the 
>> other things that I am doing. Namely, a way of setting up some kind of 
>> autotools-esque deployment of podcasts.
>> I've been bolstering my knowledge of XML/XSL over the last few weeks, but if 
>> anyone wants to work on it as well the idea is:
>> 1. An XML based template for a show, something like:
>> <show>
>> <intro class="music">
>> <file>/path/to/intro/music</file>
>> </intro>
>> <section class="main">
>> <file>/path/to/main/section</file>
>> </section>
>> <effect>
>> <type>ladspa</type>
>> <file>/path/to/plugin</type>
>> <start>&start;</start>
>> <end>&end;</end>
>> </effect>
>> </show>
>> 2. A makefile template to ingest that xml into ffmpeg or some other 
>> application to apply those edits to that audio non-destructively
>> 3. A configure shell script that would allow you to modify the makefile, or 
>> the XML via xslt, to remove certain sections or to export the edited show as 
>> a specified format.
>> 4. Something like a `make publish` trigger that could automatically upload a 
>> target to the distribution server and update the atom feed accordingly.
>> The idea behind this was that it would allow people to examine the raw, 
>> preferably unedited, files and effects that went into making the podcasts 
>> they like in order to give them the inspiration/example to follow to make 
>> their own podcast. It also has the upshot of being able to quickly spin up 
>> bespoke feeds for various needs and allowing listeners to "compile" the show 
>> themselves, if they have special requirements.
>> As I said, I am trying to work on it every now and then, when I have time, 
>> but I don't have a lot of time and am very new to XML/XSL as well as not as 
>> well versed in FFmpeg as I would certainly like to be, so if anyone sees 
>> this idea and thinks it would be easy for them to implement, I 
>> wholeheartedly encourage it.
>> V/r,
>> Izzy Leibowitz
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