On 3/21/22 07:03, Ken Fallon wrote:
t the moment it is not clear if they have officially posted the show or not, so 
it is not appropriate to discuss the issue at this point. The host remains the 
copyright holder of the content and needs to be given the opportunity to decide 
what they wish to do
On 3/22/22 05:11, Ken Fallon wrote:
It is also a dangerous path to go down allowing the Janitors to deem a show inappropriate to be 
scheduled for any reason. Even a valid technical reason could be considers censorship. Then you get 
to defining "rules" for valid technical reasons, and as we saw with the "scheduling 
rules" - they simply do not work.

In this situation, we have no information to make an informed decision. We have 
to trust the Janitors claim that there is a technical reason to do so. The vote 
is basically a confirmation that we trust the janitor's judgement on what the 
technical reason is. If we are taking a hands off approach to all issues to 
avoid any taint of censorship, then we should not postpone any shows unless the 
host has agreed.

Following the above argument, I don't consent to move the show.

Please don't take this as a lack of trust in the Janitors. As my first response 
puts much trust in them. I can see Ken's worry of just moving things without a 
notice, and I think moving it with a post to the mailing list that it is being 
moved for technical reasons would give: one, a chance for someone to object, 
and two, provide an audit trail if an issue of censorship does come up. Say 
every other post by Rho`n suddenly gets postponed ;) I feel at this point a 
vote doesn't provide much more protection from a censorship claim than just a 
post to the mailing list that it is going to happen.


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