Charlie Romero wrote:
> Up until a month ago or so I was running htdig on a Mac. Then I moved htdig
> over to LinuxPPC on a mac. Well, now I want to give htdig it's own machine
> to run on and I don't want to use one of the macs because there too
> expensive. I don't know much about PC's but if you had less than $1,000 and
> wanted a new PC from Costco or where ever so you could give htdig a
> dedicated machine, which machine would you buy?
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Charlie

I spent a total of $251 (including tax) on the machine that runs
It is a celeron 350 with a b747 motherboard (one of those all-in-one boards
with integrated video and sound), 64MB ram, intel 10/100 nic, and 2.1 GB ide
(I already had the disk and case)  It doesn't have a floppy nor cdrom.  I
installed Debian linux on it by borrowing a floppy from another machine to
boot and install the base, the rest of the install went through the network. 
The system sits in a corner of my office and only has power and network
connected; no need for a keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.
As you can tell I pieced together this system myself.  I used PC-Club, who
have a store one block over from my office in San Diego. 

Andrew Scherpbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Contigo Software <>
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