> My web server that htdig runs on (a P150 with 96MB of RAM) has
> little traffic (22MB a day/ 2800 hits).  HtDig has it's own 2GB
> partition, but with 400MB in the DB directory, it takes 1-1/2
> minutes for some searches.

We run our engine on a P2 350 with 256M of RAM, and an average search takes
0.8 seconds, but that server is not dealing with a large webserver volume at
the same time.

What kind of HD are you using? I would not recommend putting the search
engine on an IDE drive. SCSI is much better. Also, make sure that the disk
is defragged.

+ Benjamin Smedberg
+ CUA Asst. Webmaster
+ http://www.acad.cua.edu/cpit/as/bds/
+ How to make God laugh: tell Him YOUR plans!

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