According to peter karlsson:
>> But, what I can't find is how I tell htsearch to use another directory for
>> $common_dir...?
>Hmm, seems like the index of configuration items for htsearch were just
>missing a reference to "common_dir". Oh well.
>Now, on to the next problem, I added a
> <input type="hidden" name="config" content="sv">
>to the search form, which gave me this:
>===[ cut ]===
>ht://Dig error
>htsearch detected an error. Please report this to the webmaster of this
>site. The error message is:
>Unable to read configuration file '/opt/www/htdig/conf/htdig sv.conf'
>===[ cut ]===
>Huh? I thought it would search for "/opt/www/htdig/conf/sv.conf". Creating a
>file with the space in it didn't work either :-/

Have a look at HTML standard references at W3C ( ;-)

"content" is not a proper element of an <input> HTML tag.
You probably meant to use "value" instead.


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