this may be simple to any of you who have been using htdig for a long
time.  but i'm looking for a way to highlight the search phrases (i.e. the
$(WORDS) ) in the pages that come back.

i have found where you can modify the link itself in the returned hits,
but before i went and reinvented the wheel, i wanted to ask if anyone else
had already done it.

it actually seems very simple to me, and that made me wonder if anyone
else had already done it.


Cam Proctor, System Administrator, PowerNET ISP            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've had answers for years...Nobody'd ever listen...They burned themselves
with a choice made long ago by a conspiracy of men who thought they could
sleep with the enemy, only to awaken another enemy...(What does that mean?)
It means, the future is here... All bets are off.

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