<<When you say 'installed' do you mean:
a) I grabbed the .tar.gz from www.htdig.org and unpacked it.
b) I grabbed an rpm for RedHat and used 'rpm -i'
c) I grabbed the .tar.gz and performed './configure; make; make install'>>

The answer is c).

<<If you've done either (b) or
(c), you can remove all of the original files--the files needed for
running it are stored in appropriate system locations.>>

Hmm... The only really "original" file is the .tar.gz.
How can you tell that the other are necessary or not? OK for those in
/installdir/, but all those in htdig-3.1.2/db/ for instance?!

| Alain Zürcher, Paris, France
| Conseil et Création Internet/Intranet
| http://perso.club-internet.fr/azu

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