
I have just installed htdig.

In the CONFIG file, I chose this location for the htsearch file :

# The directory where your HTTP server looks for CGI programs.  This is
# htsearch will get installed.
CGIBIN_DIR=             /home/htdocs/chanteur/domaincgi

"domaincgi" is indeed the name of my own cgi-bin directory, the only one I
am allowed to access.

After modifying rundig and htdig.conf, when I run rundig from the sample
search page, I get a 404 error on this page :

http://chanteur.net/cgi-bin/htsearch, where http://chanteur.net is the URL
leading to /home/htdocs/chanteur.

It means that htdig is looking for htsearch in /cgi-bin instead of
/domaincgi as I requested!

Is there a solution for ths problem? Can I fix it through a config file, or
has the error been compiled into some program?

The same problem had been reported by Thomas Meinders
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 17:47:54 +0100 (MET).
Unfortunately, I saw no answer to his problem in the archives.

Thanks in advance!

| Alain Zürcher, Paris, France
| L'Atelier du Chanteur :
| http://chanteur.net

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