Geoff Hutchison wrote:
> At 7:59 PM -0500 11/1/99, Bernard T. Higonnet wrote:
> >I'm not trying to be coy, but this is puzzling for me. We're all agreed
> >but it's the wrong approach?? Does "this" [approach] refer to something
> >outside the email??
> OK, so that wasn't phrased well. Everyone tosses around the idea of
> having a file for deciding how to translate between charsets. It's
> come up several times over the last few months. Even with locale
> support, this is a good approach--it lets the user decide what needs
> to be translated. It can replace or complement builtin character set
> translation (if/when that happens).
> The wrong approach I was referring to was the approach of modifying
> the database directly. It's safer and more stable to write a fuzzy
> class to check for accented variations. Besides, in the US, some
> words are accented haphazardly. For example, some people write
> "resume" or "résumé"
> Does this make more sense now?

Bernard T. Higonnet
4 Payson Terrace
Belmont MA 02478-2836 USA
Tel 1-617-489-1491   Fax 1-617-484-8223
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