Rickard Lundgren wrote:
> Hi
> I'm having a problem when I'm indexing my site, when i start htidg it goes
> smooth at first but later it take up more and more memory space (after a few
> hours) and finally the server hangs. Even though i set the priority to htdig
> to 20 i still does the same thing. But when i run htmerge och the databse
> that htdig has created so far it workds just fine
> I run htidg och MacOS X Server with a G3 with 384 MB of physical memory,
> when htdig hangs the server the database is about 800 MB large, is it
> possible that the site and hence the databse is to large to handle for htdig
> and the hardware?

        I would say that you have answered your own question. :)

Good luck,

    "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
                -- Walt Disney

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