At 11:01 AM -0800 1/7/00, David Schwartz wrote:
>       The 'htdig' process consumes more and more memory as it runs. 
>This might be
>due to memory leaks, or it might be legimitately due to it keeping track of
>all the URLs it has to process. I tried htdigging 250,000 documents and hit
>about 180Mb.

At this point (3.1.4), there do not seem to be memory leaks 
left--obviously if someone finds any with Purify, we'd fix them.

However, as you point out, it has to keep track of all of the URLs, 
especially it's "todo list" which can get quite large. This is why 
you can quickly run out of memory if you have a large number of 
initial URLs rather than interconnected documents.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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