At 11:58 AM +0100 1/7/00, Rickard Lundgren wrote:
>I run htidg och MacOS X Server with a G3 with 384 MB of physical memory,
>when htdig hangs the server the database is about 800 MB large, is it
>possible that the site and hence the databse is to large to handle for htdig
>and the hardware?

Someone asked almost the same question a few days ago. Since you 
don't specify how much swap space you have, I'm guessing you just 
don't have the memory (RAM + swap) to handle this. I don't know much 
about the specifics of memory usage on OS X Server, so I can't go 
into more detail.

If you're compiled ht://Dig on your own, you might consider talking 
to Tenon Intersystems about their tools package for Apache, ht://Dig, 
etc. on OS X Server. Last I knew it was called "iTools." Since they 
haven't released it yet, we don't have their patches.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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