I'm using Ht://Dig version 3.1.5-0 under Redhat 6.2

Htdig doesn't dig all documents

First of all, htdig doesn't seem to go through all my HTML documents that
I've commanded it to dig.

I have a document called retkeily.shtml and htdig -vv tells me that htdig
doesn't look at it. I don't get even a reject message.

Naturally it doesn't show up in the search results. 

The file is about 2kb and I've got the following arguments in my htdig.conf:

max_head_length:        50000
max_doc_size:           500000

It might have something to do with my other problem:

Language problems

htdig -vv produces the error message "Warning: unknown locale!" with

locale:         fi_FI.ISO-8859-1


locale:         fi_FI

What is the right syntax?

Also, I cannot produce a finnish.0 file because I cannot find finnish.dict
from anywhere. The link at


doesn't work :( I obtained finnish-ispell package, but it contained only the
finnish.aff and finnish.hash files. It seems that the .hash file is the
dictionary file, but it is in some packaged format... 

Does anyone know where to get the finnish.dict file or how to produce a
clear text file from finnish.hash?


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