Replying to my own mail...

On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 04:59:41PM +0300, Peter Peltonen wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 03:43:08PM +0200, Marcel Hicking wrote:
> > Are you sure that retkeily.shtml is referenced?
> Yes. Other documents in the same directory are being digged correctly.

It was news to me that every document has to bee referenced (i.e. there has
to be a A HREF pointing to every document I want to be indexed), I just
thought that htdig searches all the files in the directory tree...

So - what's the best way to make files in a directory tree to be
referenced? I mean, I have a lot of HTML files and I don't know which are
referenced by normal links and which by javascript or something else. 

Should I create a standalone web page that points to every HTML-document I
have, so I'll have every page digged for sure?


PS. I succeeded finding the finnish.dict file by using Lycos FTP-search. 

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