At 4:28 PM +0300 6/7/00, Peter Peltonen wrote:
>First of all, htdig doesn't seem to go through all my HTML documents that
>I've commanded it to dig.
>I have a document called retkeily.shtml and htdig -vv tells me that htdig
>doesn't look at it. I don't get even a reject message.

The htdig indexer follows links. So if your document is not indexed, 
the first question is whether it's linked from anywhere and if so, 
whether that link was indexed properly.

If the document is not linked from anywhere, there's no way for htdig 
to "discover" it in the first place.

>locale:                fi_FI.ISO-8859-1
>locale:                fi_FI
>What is the right syntax?

It depends on your system. I would expect that fi_FI should work on a 
recent RedHat system, though it requires that you have a Finnish 
locale installed properly. Is this a localized version of RedHat? 
What locales do you see installed?

>doesn't work :( I obtained finnish-ispell package, but it contained only the
>finnish.aff and finnish.hash files. It seems that the .hash file is the
>dictionary file, but it is in some packaged format...

Sigh. This is the ispell database itself, not the file that generated 
it. I don't know if you can reverse the process. You should contact 
the person who created the files.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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