I have some question about htdig :

       (1) I would like to search my website for different directories like


           Question :

                 a. Do I have to do index on each different directories (
htdig & gtmerge ) ?
                 b. In the form filed I define the search path as following

                    <select size=1 name=restrict>
                             <option value="http://mysite">entire
                             <option value="dir1/">dir2</option>
                             <option value="dir2/">dir3</option>

                    is it correct ?

      (2) On dir1 and dir2 , Insted of html files , I use php files , is it
ok ?

      (3) How can I make htdig work with xpdf ?

karl chen
Programmer , Information System Department
Valley Presbyterian Hospital
Tel (818) 782-6600 ext. 5141

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