At 10:30 AM -0700 10/25/00, Karl Chen wrote:
>                  a. Do I have to do index on each different directories (
>htdig & gtmerge ) ?

No. If they're all linked from some common point, you won't need to 
worry about it--htdig will follow all links from the start_url and 
find them. If they aren't linked, you can set them all in the 
start_url attribute.

>                     <select size=1 name=restrict>
>                              <option value="http://mysite">entiresite</option>
>                              <option value="dir1/">dir2</option>
>                              <option value="dir2/">dir3</option>
>                     </select>
>                     is it correct ?

Sure. Of course you don't need to put anything for "entire site," but 
that won't hurt.

>       (2) On dir1 and dir2 , Insted of html files , I use php files , is it
>ok ?

No problem. It indexes through the web. So if they look the same to a 
web browser, htdig won't know the difference when it indexes.

>       (3) How can I make htdig work with xpdf ?

See the FAQ:


-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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