> > 
> > <Directory>
> > 
> > require valid-user
> > order allow, deny
> > deny from all
> > allow from .your.domain.com
> > </Directory>
> > 
> > or some such permutation.
> > also add a "satisfy any" in the Directroy block.
> Thanks for the suggestion, Dave.  If we do that, if I understand this
> correctly, it will allow all access from our domain.  I need to apply the
> restrictions for all user access, including from our own domain.  Is there any
> way to be more restrictive and allow just htdig access, or will the format you
> suggest do that?

No.. you understand correctly.  Perhaps you can use this to restrict everyone
but allow access from just one computer if you prepend the computer's
name, but I'd test before assuming, and that still might not be restrictive
enough for you anyway.  I'm an htdig newbie, so I don't know that angle.  :-(


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