Thanks for your information.  We are looking into the things you have 

Doug Kline

> You can allow access without a password from a given IP address or
> host name(s), while requiring a password from everywhere else.
> This is what "satisfy any" (previously mentioned by someone else)
> is for; it allows access when either of two authentication
> methods (specified with both "allow" and "require") succeeds.
> Another example (from something I used to restrict an entire virtual host;
> you can put similar stuff in <Location> <Directory> or 
> in a .htaccess file.)
> <Location / >
>     order deny,allow
>     deny from all
>     allow from
>     AuthType Basic
>     AuthUserFile /opt/local/httpd/passwords/proto-htpass
>     AuthName "Restricted Pages"
>     require valid-user
>     satisfy any
> </Location>
> The Apache server, has no good way to know what requests come from 
> "one username" or "just the htdig process". Apache authetication 

Douglas Kline

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