there have been some off-list mails about the next releases going 
around. My reply to those mails was to lay down my intentions - 
something I do here publicly with a request for comments.

I would like to see the hugin project move to frequent incremental 
releases. I would like to see the new features, specifically those that 
have been developed by our GSoC 2008 students, hit the mainstream user's 
desktop as fast as possible.

To achieve this goal, I intend to move forward on releasing experimental 
features as Windows binary installers in the hope to attract not only 
testers, but also contributors; and on releasing an updated hugin SDK to 
empower contributors to build and modify hugin.


I intend to release a windows binary installer of the 
gsoc2008_integration branch soon. If there are no objections I'll call 
it 0.8.0alpha1.

in its current state it includes fast preview and batch processor which 
IMO are ready for some general public consumption/feedback.

depending who is faster (Tim or I), Celeste (sky identification) will 
also be part of 0.8.0alpha1. Else it will be 0.8.0.alpha2. There is 
currently still an issue with Celeste in the hugin GUI in OSX (though 
standalone it works as expected). Thanks to Tim and Harry for trying to 
sort that one out.

I expect that these will be all the features that go into 0.8.0 because 
I would like to see 0.8.0 released for Christmas 2008; and I would like 
the releases to be determined by the calendar and not by the features. 
Features which are not ready are simply pushed back to the next releases.

Bug fixing is welcome any time, and 0.8.0 will surely have its fair 
share of bugs.

Beyond that, we still have interesting code that is not ripe for mass 
consumption yet:

* hugin_hdrmerge - the result of Jing's GSoC 2007 project, is still not 
robust enough for daily use. It would be nice if somebody could pick 
that up, and make the deghosting feature also available to enfuse.
* for the masking in GUI GSoC 2008 project of Fahim we still need to 
think about the right place in the hugin GUI and in the stitching 
process. I personally would like to use it to generate masks before 
blending to manually manage image overlaps / moving subjects.
* Onur's feature matching code and Zoran feature description code are 
also in need of integration, into a tool that should become, as Bruno 
call it, *the* single 'best of' control point generator 
integrated/linked into hugin, ie it needs to:
- be patent free
- do the conformal projection thing, or similar
- do the align_image_stack thing for bracketed shots
- do the sky-point pruning thing
- have 'inconsistent-point' pruning, like apclean, ptoclean etc..

Tom has mentioned that he is working on something in a private email. I 
look forward to see the code evolve.


Pablo last release of the Hugin SDK was December 2007 IIRC.

many things have happened since - some upstream libraries have 
evolved/progressed and there are new dependencies with 0.8.

To empower others to build their hugin 0.8, I will release an updated 
Hugin SDK, following in the footsteps of Pablo.

I believe in running forward: it is more likely that a newer version of 
an upstream dependency fixes current problem than that it introduces new 
ones through incompatibilities or API-breaks in the features needed by 
hugin. Hence I propose a policy of trying to keep the SDK as up to date 
as possible.

Specifically this means binding against wxWidgets 2.8.9 (released last 
months) instead of 2.8.7. Exiv2 has also progressed and 0.18 will 
provide TIFF exif writing capabilities.

User of Linux systems get those improvements almost automatically with 
the evolution of the distributions, and keeping the SDK up to date is 
just a way of keeping Windows builders in sync.

I do not have a lot of time for testing, hence the initial releases with 
new SDK are to be considered experimental. The sooner we hit the bugs, 
the sooner they will be fixed - and this applies to both hugin and third 
party code.

I don't have the skill to do all of this. I am learning every hour I 
spend with building hugin, and I do it mainly for the learning 
experience. This is why, once I tackled a learning phase, I move on to 
the next, hoping that somebody else will step in and do what I did for 
the next release cycle.

Know how transfer is what makes Open Source live on, and I will transfer 
all the know how that is requested from me. Laziness is the enemy of 
know how transfer and this is why I will intentionally leave some things 
incomplete (like the 0.7.0 installer). Spoon-feeding encourages 
laziness. I want the users to feel slightly hungry so that they will 
take the necessary step to fill their stomach rather than wait to be 
spoon-fed. The Hugin SDK, with the build instructions on the wiki, does 
just this.


Last but not least, Hugin's code needs to be better documented. Last 
year this wonderful community helped me documenting the building 
process. And I had no clue of the building process back then. Now we 
need the same thing with the code. The GSoC 2008 student survey showed 
clearly that we have a deficit, that the architecture and the design 
decisions need to be documented in a way to simplify the learning curve 
for those willing to put their hands under the hood.

I would like to see a top-down approach, describing the folders and 
files, the dependencies, the classes, the project and the tools, so that 
any future student can get quickly up to speed.

Students who participated to the recent summer of code have the 
experience and know what they would have needed. If any of you can start 
typing away into the wiki, I'd be very grateful.


we don't know if Google will hold a Summer of Code next year. If it 
does, I'd appreciate if this year's students would step in, like Zoran 
did last year to become a mentor. Also, as a community, we may want to 
think whether there are other similar initiative that we could leverage. 
I am thinking of the season of usability - hugin's user interface and 
workflow / process have been (over)loaded with new functionalities and 
maybe a fresh look at them - building on Ippei's foundation in either 
wxWidgets or Qt - may unleash even more power from the existing code.




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