Seems strange to me - I converted images to another format, but
Hugin's File Open dialog shows only JPEGs (even when I've selected All
Files). I'm still unable to open my JPEGs (even after installation of
latest official Windows release). I'm able to open any other JPEG (eg.
saved from Internet) - Hugin shows dialog prompting me to enter HFOV.
This is situation on my Windows installation - BUT... In MS Virtual PC
I'm able to open my JPEGs in Hugin, but HFOV dialog appears.
Isn't it kinda strange?


PS: Sorry for late update on my situation - been busy with some game

On 9 Říj, 22:01, Milan Knížek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bart.van.Andel píše v St 08. 10. 2008 v 21:08 -0700:
> > Just curious, and trying to pinpoint the problem. Could you try saving/
> > converting those images as TIFF first, before loading them in Hugin?
> > As you mentioned, there might be something wrong with loading JPGs
> > with Hugin on your computer, but does loading TIFF work? If not, Exif
> > might not be the problem.
> I would also propose to first try if hugin can at least read some 
> otherimagefile type like TIFF or PNG. If so, you can also try to re-save
> (not just copy) your camera JPEGs as JPEGs with another program or
> possibly strip EXIF data from the files.
> If you do not have a program for converting file types, try IrfanView
> ( also in the Czech language), it has a batch
> processing functionality as described 
> here
> There are also programs, which can remove metadata from JPEGs (i.e.
> EXIF, IPTC, etc.) - e.g.
> best regards,
> Milan Knizek
> knizek (dot) confy (at) volny (dot) cz about 
> linux and photography
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