Bart.van.Andel píše v St 08. 10. 2008 v 21:08 -0700:
> Just curious, and trying to pinpoint the problem. Could you try saving/
> converting those images as TIFF first, before loading them in Hugin?
> As you mentioned, there might be something wrong with loading JPGs
> with Hugin on your computer, but does loading TIFF work? If not, Exif
> might not be the problem.

I would also propose to first try if hugin can at least read some other
image file type like TIFF or PNG. If so, you can also try to re-save
(not just copy) your camera JPEGs as JPEGs with another program or
possibly strip EXIF data from the files.

If you do not have a program for converting file types, try IrfanView
( - also in the Czech language), it has a batch
processing functionality as described here

There are also programs, which can remove metadata from JPEGs (i.e.
EXIF, IPTC, etc.) - e.g.

best regards,

Milan Knizek
knizek (dot) confy (at) volny (dot) cz - about linux and photography

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