Hi Tom,

I like your program a lot! Even though it's still an alpha, I think it
already does quite a good job, and I'm happy you're sharing it with
us. A couple of possible displaying improvements though:

- Enable anti-aliasing and line blending (for the grid which is
displayed before an image is loaded), with a few lines of code like
        glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST);                                 
// Set Line Antialiasing
// Enable Blending
        glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);                      
// Type Of
Blending To Use

- Enable anisotropic filtering. Another few lines of code, see

- I like the way some flash viewers have implemented mouse moving,
which doesn't stop moving the image abruptly when releasing the mouse
button. But that's probably a matter of taste.

Also, it seems that the screen stutters a bit when moving around
diagonally using the mouse. It feels like the frames aren't always
displayed in the right order. Maybe a buffering issue?

Using version 0.3.46 on Windows XP SP3 / ATI Radeon 9600SE with up-to-
date drivers (OpenGL 2.1 compatible)
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