Dear Tom,

thanks for "downgrade" the recommended OpenGL version. On my old machine 
with OpenGL 1.3 the current version runs! I percieved an annoying effect 
during movent. There's an effect like motion judder. Is it "normal" in 
the curent version or is this maybe an effect of the used OpenGL version?


Tom Sharpless schrieb:
> Hi Bart
> I'm still a newcomer to OpenGL, thanks for the tips.
> Do you know anything about initializing the OpenGL context on Mac
> OSX?  I need some expert advice on that.
> Regards, Tom
> On Nov 1, 5:50 pm, "Bart.van.Andel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> I like your program a lot! Even though it's still an alpha, I think it
>> already does quite a good job, and I'm happy you're sharing it with
>> us. A couple of possible displaying improvements though:
>> - Enable anti-aliasing and line blending (for the grid which is
>> displayed before an image is loaded), with a few lines of code like
>> this:
>>         glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST);                              
>>    // Set Line Antialiasing
>>         glEnable(GL_BLEND);                                                  
>>    // Enable Blending
>>         glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);                   
>>    // Type Of
>> Blending To Use
>> - Enable anisotropic filtering. Another few lines of code, 
>> see
>> - I like the way some flash viewers have implemented mouse moving,
>> which doesn't stop moving the image abruptly when releasing the mouse
>> button. But that's probably a matter of taste.
>> Also, it seems that the screen stutters a bit when moving around
>> diagonally using the mouse. It feels like the frames aren't always
>> displayed in the right order. Maybe a buffering issue?
>> Using version 0.3.46 on Windows XP SP3 / ATI Radeon 9600SE with up-to-
>> date drivers (OpenGL 2.1 compatible)
> >

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