Hi Stefan,

Stefan F. wrote:
> I compiled Hugin, Enblend & Co. as described in <http://
> wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Compiling_ubuntu> against the new Ubuntu
> Release.
> Apart from many warnings concerning code safety or depricated
> functions everything worked fine.

oh, so you had libglew-dev already on your machine? it is a new 
dependency introduced about a month ago, and it was missing in the 
documentation. I added it.

> My suggestions:
> - Document how to checkout the stable release branch insted of trunk
> (Hugin and Enblend)

for hugin it is documented just under the box documenting how to fetch 
trunk - in the example it is revision 2906 which is quite old. you can 
find a list of working revisions and comments at 

for enblend, I do not recall the switch to request a given timestamp, in 
Windows I use TortoiseCVS and I can set it in a GUI :-(

in both cases, you can download the tarballs from sourceforge if what 
you are looking for is the stable release.

> - Correct typo for Exiftool: cd Image-ExifTool-7.48  (NOT 46)

done, thanks. There is a newe version of Exiftool, so it is now 7.52

> For shure it would be helpful if there where a precompiled package for
> Ubunt 8.10.

does anybody know how to build and distribute such precompiled packages?


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