Hi all,

Lately, I've assisted a friend of mine to install hugin on his PC. The
following are what I, a mac user, realised:

- General: It felt more stable than Mac version, but lacking quality
assuarance leaving tools that appeal only to geeks and detemined
- Installer: By default, leaves tons of aliases on desktop. None
except one for hugin.exe is relevant for 90% of the users. Most users
do not know what to launch if there are so many choices presented.
Besides, why the hell do they all have same icons? It also is
desireable to add just the "Hugin" 'program' in Start menu rather than
forcing users to find the "hugin.exe" 'executable file' from among
- Autopano-SIFT: Is the warning against patent violation subtle?
Didn't realise one being displayed. I guess it was mentioned in the
loong license text.
- Documents: The README and other files are installed without
extension. How can I read those files? Who knows... That's how Windows
works, so please take care.
- Icons: First, they are unly; uglier than other Windows icons. Could
someone take a look at the icon files to be used on Windows? Is there
any way to use antialiasing or alpha channel, or at least to fill
background colour to make it less ugly? You can reuse the graphics
that Mac version uses. Secondly, has someone thought about what file
should use which icon? I don't see why other than hugin.exe should
have the Hugin icon. We have the icon designed for .pto files. I can't
stand to see .pto files having the same icon as application.
- Lastly, could README_JP file be attached for the Japanese users? I
can provide converted PDF or HTML files if that's needed, though I
remember Shift-JIS is considered default for Japanese Windows.


Pablo d'Angelo wrote:

> Hi Guido,
> Guido Kohlmeyer wrote:
> > Dear Yuv,
> >
> > I modified the license text slightly and build a new setup file.
> > It can be found at
> > http://hugin.panotools.org/testing/hugin/hugin-0.7.0_win32-setup.exe
> > the MD5 checksum is available as well
> > http://hugin.panotools.org/testing/hugin/hugin-0.7.0_win32-setup.exe.md5
> I have just uploaded this installer to the sourceforge. Thanks a lot for
> building it!
> ciao
>   Pablo
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