Hi Oskar,

I tried the several-lines method for calibrating my lens, and it indeed worked
quite nicely.

Oskar Sander wrote:
> sorry for waking up an old thread.
> I'd like to use this method to calibrate a UW camera set-up.  That is,
> a camera in a housing with a wide angle lens attached on the housing.
> Obviously this set-up is very much different from the camera on land
> so I need to do it in the pool, so I need to plan the exercise in
> beforehand.
> The pool have a lot of natural lines to use in the tiles of the pool,
> the question is if these would be good enough, or if I must make my
> own lines using a little buoy with a weight and orange string to get
> enough accuracy?

My experience was that the lines from the spacings between tiles look nice
until you start and use them for setting the control points.  The exct
placement gets a bit uncertain and thus you get a higher noise which falls
back on the derived parameters unless you have many points.
I.e., if you use them I'd make sure to take a lot of images with lines going
through the FOV at different positions and in different angles.  If I remember
correct I was using something like 10 images, defining some 30 lines in


Dr. Peter "Pit" Suetterlin                 http://www.astro.su.se/~pit
Institute for Solar Physics
Tel.: +34 922 405 590  (Spain)             p.suetter...@royac.iac.es
      +46 8 5537 8534  (Sweden)            peter.suetter...@astro.su.se

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