Hi Pit

On Feb 26, 4:03 am, Pit Suetterlin <p.suetter...@royac.iac.es> wrote:
>   Hi Oskar,
> I tried the several-lines method for calibrating my lens, and it indeed worked
> quite nicely.
> Oskar Sander wrote:
> > sorry for waking up an old thread.
> > I'd like to use this method to calibrate a UW camera set-up.  That is,
> > a camera in a housing with a wide angle lens attached on the housing.
> > Obviously this set-up is very much different from the camera on land
> > so I need to do it in the pool, so I need to plan the exercise in
> > beforehand.
> > The pool have a lot of natural lines to use in the tiles of the pool,
> > the question is if these would be good enough, or if I must make my
> > own lines using a little buoy with a weight and orange string to get
> > enough accuracy?
> My experience was that the lines from the spacings between tiles look nice
> until you start and use them for setting the control points.  The exct
> placement gets a bit uncertain and thus you get a higher noise which falls
> back on the derived parameters unless you have many points.
> I.e., if you use them I'd make sure to take a lot of images with lines going
> through the FOV at different positions and in different angles.  If I remember
> correct I was using something like 10 images, defining some 30 lines in
> there...

Did your calibration image set cover 360 degrees?

It seems to me that if you use multiple images for calibration, then
the correct focal length or fov becomes a critical parameter (which is
not the case for single-image straight line calibration).  And it is
known that the PT optimizer will almost always choose a wrong value
for that unless you force it to be right by insisting on closure of a
full circular image set.

But the straight line control point optimization (as currently
implemented) requires that the output projection be rectilinear.  So
naively I would suppose that only a part of your straight line data
would be usable, unless the rectilinear error is computed separately
for each image, ignoring the rotation that aligns it on the

Some time ago I looked into the possibility of making libpano optimize
straight lines on the panosphere (where they become great circles)
instead of  in a rectilinear projection.  My hope was to better
support calibration of fish eye lenses, which is a continuing
problem.  My code gave worse results than the existing method, so I
gave it up.

However I still think Hugin needs an easy and reliable way to do
straight line lens calibration.  I believe that after many years of
using various calibration systems, photogrammetrists finally decided
the straight line method was best.  And they often use naturally
occurring straight lines rather than special calibration rigs.  The
key is software that can follow lines and estimate their positions to
subpixel accuracy.  The raw image of a calibration line will in
general be curved, so a human has to designate which lines are
straight in reality -- but not set dozens of control points on them.

Maybe this would make a good GSOC project.

Regards, Tom
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