On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 14:35 +0100, J. Schneider wrote:
>I'm currently updating the German translation and again I have a few 
>questions about where some original strings appear and so on:
>"Error: Could not get status, project with index "
>"Error: Could not set status, project with index "

This is an error that appears when a project in the queue has 
vanished, the full message is "Error: Could not get status, project 
with index <num> doesn't exist".

>"Error shutting down. Do you have root privileges?"
>Is root the same as administrator? Or is it something different Unix 
>specific? If so, does anybody know a translation?

It should be 'administrator', a 'normal' user account on a Linux 
system doesn't have anything resembling 'root privileges'.

>"Cannot open app in Hugin."
>Why should one open an app in hugin? Or is it an error message when you 
>try to?

It should say "Cannot open project in Hugin."

>"<project1 <output prefix>> <project2 <output prefix>> <project3"
>Is this string complete?

No it is part of the command-line usage output which looks like 

   Usage: PTBatcherGUI [-h] [-b] [-p] [-d] [-o] [-s] [-v] [<project1 <output 
prefix>> <project2 <output prefix>> <project3...]

>"Trans Mercator" (EN) is translated with "Transverse Mercator" (DE) 
>which is actually English spelling. Has a previous string "Transverse 
>Mercator" in the English original been changed to "Trans Mercator"? If 
>this is an abbreviation: Should this be abbreviated?

It's an abbreviation, it should really be "Trans. Mercator".  This 
string actually originates in libpano13, so there is no need to 
abbreviate it when you use it as German in hugin.

>>> Click to create or edit control points here.

>I think the string should be changed to "Click here to create ..." 
>because cps are not edited "here"=in the preview.

Yes this should be fixed, but I don't want to add any unnecessary 
churn to the translation strings - English may just have to cope 
with it being a bit wrong until after 0.8.0.

>"Specify project source file(s)"
>Does it mean anything different from "Specify project file(s)"?

It means the same thing, it is referring to .pto project files.

>Something like "completed the job"?

It's a status bar message, e.g: "In progress", "Complete", "Failed".


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