I enjoy the new Batcher GUI.
Formerly I worked with a bunch for self-written windows-batches to
automize my workflow:
- one to run autopano-sift on all images with the same basename to create
a lot of hugin projects
- one to apply a kind of template on the projects created by autopano-sift
- one to run nona and enblend on a bunch of projects.

Now I use the batcher for the actions after having specified all
individual settings. I'm looking for the batcher to assist me as well
in the time-consuming actions that happen before I can individually set
controllpoints, optimize, etc.

What I would like to do:
- Drag and Drop a bunch of images that belong to one panorama on a
shortcut "create hugin project" and this will create a new hugin
project based my preferred template and it will add an entry to the
batcher tool.

- Once I have collected a lot of projects this way, I would like to start
the batcher and let it run on those projects (status: "Fresh" ) just
to create the controlpoints and verify them. Status needs to change to
"Waiting for next steps" after having performed.

- Now I can open project by project with hugin (from within the batcher)
and create some additional verticals, optimize, etc.
If I do a save, status will change to "Waiting"

- At last, I would like to start remapping and blending from the batcher
like it works today.

Do you think, that this would be useful and maybe will be implemented in
the future?

Thanks for your response,

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