Hi Benjamin,

I deal with enfuse and bracketed sets with a patch I wrote:

I load the first set of images, generate control points and align, then 
send the pano to batch. Then on the images panel, click 'bracket up' to 
switch to the next bracketed set, but keeping the control 
points/alignment from the first bracket set (this solves the problem 
when the set is too bright/dark to find CPs). Save and send to batch, 
then repeat for remaining bracketed sets.

At the end, all the panos should have been warped in the same way. Then 
I enfuse them from the command line.


Benjamin Schnieders wrote:
> hi all,
> actually i'm having a problem with exactly that question right now.
> i have a series of image stacks i'd like to stitch and fuse, so stack1_0 
> .. stack 1_6 until stack7_6. the thing is, the images are pretty dark, 
> so automatic control point generation does a very bad job using all the 
> images. align_image_stack however manages to align my stacks pretty well 
> (they are shot with a bad tripod, so a little alignment is needed)
> but everything align_image_stack can give me is a complete .hdr, (which 
> is, as far as i know, bad input to enfuse) a set of remapped images 
> (which i don't need as i want to remap them later, aligned in total) or 
> a pto file that holds information about the image offsets.
> seems that the latest is just what i need, but then, is there a method 
> of merging these pto files together in a way that the images will "stick 
> together"?
> to get proper results, atm i only see one solution:
> - take the brightest set of images, generate control points, align them
> - starting from the brightest image, use align_image_stack to align each 
> whole stack to a .pto file
> - manually add up the translations calculated by align_image_stack to 
> all further images and insert them into the big .pto from the beginning
> - run enfuse and enblend.
> definitely not the best way. are there scripts oder other tricks that 
> will help?
> thanks,
> Benjamin
> > 

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