Hello all.

On May 23, 2:50 am, DaveN <tahoedave...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I don't know if this has been asked before (hard question to ask in a
> search) but why don't people fuse their images before making
> panoramas?  By that I mean the software for making panoramas (the
> hugin clone ptgui and autopano pro) seem to remap all the images to
> create differently exposed panoramas and then blend the panoramas.
> Wouldn't it be more efficient to exposure fuse the images and then
> make the panorama?

I'm very late to this thread, but I'm catching up.
I was wondering if I've been doing it entirely wrong "all the time".
All the time means that I havent made that many fused panoramas.
With my main example of the entrance to the train station in Bern [1]
i remember that I just dumped all the 87 images (29 photos for each
exposure step) into hugin and stitched a fused image in one single
output. It took a long time for Pan-O-Matic to find the control points
but in the end I got a quite impressive result.

So I'm asking: would I get another result if I'd have generated three
panoramas, one for each exposure step and then enfuse them to one
final panorama?

Greetings from Switzerland

[1]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/habi/sets/72157614221776963/
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