Thanks for trying to help, but....I'm still confused.

> If you place the initial
> seam in the middle and I assume you mean horizontal center at the top,
> you would get a distance to the left image's boundary (indicated by
> the red line) of zero while still having a small distance to the right
> image's boundary (indicated by the green line just above the red one).

Why zero ? If I start the line in the middle of the overlap wouldn't
the horizontal distance between red and green borders exactly half of
the overlap width ?
I was trying to understand this with a friend of mine and apparently
we are both dummy :-)

Is the line generation based on something like the grassfire
transform ?

Are there details on how optimization works ? I guess one needs to
find a line that does not pass thru mismatches (i.e. parallax or
moving objects).

Thanks again.

On Jun 11, 7:04 pm, cspiel <> wrote:
> Hi there!
> On Jun 11, 10:25 am, tago <> wrote:
> > I was trying to study and understand how Enblend algorithm works.
> > I'm looking at the example in,
> > where it says (just before the example) "The algorithm finds a line
> > which is as far away as possible from the edges of the area where two
> > images intersect".
>         This is the correct description of Enblend's initial seam line
> generation, i.e. before seam line optimization.  Though I wouldd
> prefer a more mathematical statement:
>         "The algorithm finds a line whose minimum distance to any edge
>         (of the overlap area) is maximal."                  [MAX-DIST]
> > Looking at the picture I wonder why the line starts at the upper left
> > corner of the intersection, shouldn't it be in the middle?
>         Nope.  Think 2-dimensional. ;)  The overlap areas can be
> irregular.  E.g., the overlap need not happen from "left-to-right", it
> could be from "top-to-bottom" as well.  In the general case two images
> can overlap in multiple areas even in the no 2-pi wraparound case.
> OK, let us take a look at the example image.  If you place the initial
> seam in the middle and I assume you mean horizontal center at the top,
> you would get a distance to the left image's boundary (indicated by
> the red line) of zero while still having a small distance to the right
> image's boundary (indicated by the green line just above the red one).
> Thus, this construction violates MAX-DIST because the distance to the
> red line is not maximal.
> Now, if you look _very_ closely at the example you will notice a tiny
> "nose" at the top of the upper vertical segment of the seam line,
> which violates MAX-DIST, too.  The overhang there actually is a bug.
> See SourceForge bug id #2160427.  The nose can become pronounced with
> irregularly shaped overlap areas.  See the attachments to the bug
> report.  Regrettably, I have to deny you the pleasure of fixing it.
> (Just kidding.)  It has been corrected in the "staging" branch
> revision 331:
> > For sure I'm not understanding the purpose of Enblend.
>         Neither do I. -- Now, will you buy me a beer?
> However, I understand the purpose of the initial seam line generation
> step.  Usually, the closer we get to an image border the more the
> pixels suffer from distortion, aberration, etc.  As Enblend deals with
> re-mapped images it is furthermore exposed to the errors introduced by
> the projection, which also can increase towards the images' edges.
> So, we want to stay away from _any_ edge as far as possible.  MAX-DIST
> minimizes the combined "error" of both images participating in the
> overlap.
> And in the next semester we shall learn about seam line
> optimization...
> > If someone could enlighten me.
> Isn't it better to be enlightened than it is to be enblended?
> Cheers,
>         Chris
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