Hard to tell exactly what it might be, but the error is stemming from the
fact that you have at least two instances of the JPEG/zlib libraries loaded
(wxjpeg.lib and jpeg.lib via jpeg64.dll, wxzlib.lib z.lib via zlib1.dll).
The latter for each of those is probably coming from one of the other
libraries you built/linked (other than wxWidgets, since it contains its
own). http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_SDK_%28MSVC_2008%29_Patches details
some of the changes necessary to the various libraries, which include
updating them to point to wxWdigets for TIFF/JPEG/ZLIB where appropriate. If
I were to wager though, you may want to check exiv2 to make sure it's
linking right, but that's just a guess. Other than that, it's simply a
matter of tracking down which library isn't linking against wxWidgets'
implentation. You can always start with building a fresh SDK
(http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_SDK_%28MSVC_2008%29 ) if you're still not
able to trace it down.

As to building the installer, I would suspect that Ad might be planning on
doing it, given as how he's been building installers for XP/Vista x32 during
%C2%A0Vista ). He's got 4007 built, and IIRC, the only difference between
4007 and 4008 was a translation change. 

I don't know if anyone has stepped up for the Win x64 'release' build. Being
in the US, I'm only really able to push a patent-free installer out, and if
people drop in a CP gen that is 32-bit, it's possible there will be WoW64
issues with filenaming / reg keys / the like between Hugin (native x64) and
the CP gen (32-bit). That's why I hope someone else can step up, so they can
build/ship all the bins (including the CP generators) x64 and potentially
dodge that problem.

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