I have just replaced the old copy of autopano-sift-c.exe for Win32 on
my ftp site with the patched one.

You can get it with this URL:
This is the actual executable, not an installer.

Apologies to anyone who downloaded the defective version.

-- Tom

On Jul 17, 8:04 pm, Tom Sharpless <tksharpl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It ought not be so difficult getting  a patched autopano-sift-c, as it
> seems in fact to be.
> It doesn't ship with Hugin because of patent worries, and there does
> not seem to be any well known source of up to date binaries.
> Bruno and Yuv, please consider what could be done to improve
> distribution.
> --Tom
> On Jul 17, 5:51 am, Nicolas Pelletier <nicolas.pellet...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > If my time estimate is good, RC4 has the leak, RC5 does not.
> > I'll upgrade and see.
> > Thanks,
> > nick
> > On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Scott <scrosb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Jul 12, 1:13 pm, Tom Sharpless <tksharpl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > There have been several reports of out-of-memoryerrors while running
> > > > "autopano-sift-c".
> > > > I know of no case in which such a failure has been replicated by a
> > > > second observer.  I have not yet been able to get APSCpp to
> > > exhaustmemoryon either Windows or Linux.
> > > > In short, the reported failures remain undiagnosed.  So I am appealing
> > > > to all interested parties to try to create a repeatable case where
> > > > APSCpp runs out ofmemory.
> > > It may be because the bug was recently fixed. My patch fixing a giant
> > > memory leak was applied about 6 weeks ago; any developer or user
> > > building from source would not see the out-of-RAM failures that it
> > > fixed. From the tracker:
> > >    RAM usage drops from 50mb/image to about 1-2mb/image with this
> > > change.
> > >    With this change, I can process 200 images in 500mb of RAM,
> > > whereas
> > >    before, it took 1.5gb of RAM to process just 36 images.
> > >    --
> > >http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2798144&group_id=7750...
> > > Have new binaries or a beta release been spun out containing this
> > > patch for those who do not build from source?
> > > Scott
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