Tom Sharpless escreveu:
> HI All
> Tim Nugent's summer of code project, to develop a program for
> calibrating lenses by the straight line method, has almost reached the
> point where lots of test data are needed.  So as his mentor, I am
> issuing a call for pictures to test it with.
> ...
> We promise not to publish your photos or use them for any nefarious
> purpose, but be aware that neither email nor that ftp site is
> particularly secure against evildoers.  So don't send us your
> masterpieces -- they probably wouldn't be any good for lens
> calibration anyhow :-).
> Thanks in advance, Tom

    Hi Tom!
    Would shots taken with a handheld or with conventional tripod camera
be useful?

    best regards,
    Luís Henrique

Luis Henrique Camargo Quiroz, M.Sc. - Internal Combustion Engines Group
IPT - Sao Paulo State Technological Researches Institute 
phone: 55-11-37674391  fax: 55-11-37674010  BRAZIL -

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