When you say the results are in shreds, are you looking at the final stitch,
or the fast preview?
I got one stitch that (don't know why) will give extremely weird results in
the fast preview.
The regular preview gives better results in that case.

As for the few control point way out, I'd recommend you open the control
point dialog, look into the few that are too far, delete them once confirmed
they are wrong. Then reoptimize.

As for the exposure... not too sure.

Hope this helps


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Synchro <marcus.boin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Further confusion. It tells me that I have control points that are out
> by 4000px, yet if I inspect every join there are none anywhere near
> that big. Most are around 20-40px with a few strays at around 130
> (it's a hand-help pano, so I'm not expecting it to be very tight).
> Roll, pitch and yaw are all sensible values. The exposure is also
> completely out - it's almost black on the left, progressing to full-
> contrast burnout on the right, even thought images were shot with
> matching exposure. What on earth is going on?!
> >

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